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As I gained confidence I hit her harder and harder. After twenty-five on each cheek I started in on her low hanging tits. When that first swing came up from beneath I also came. It was as if the whole scene had gone into slow motion. I watched the paddle come up and kiss her nipple, driving it into her soft breast flesh, and then her breast accordion folded itself up until it collapsed against her ribcage. The view excited the hell out of me and I couldn’t wait to do it again and again. I went from side to side smacking her tits. After ten strokes I started hitting her ass too as long as I was walking past it. I had so much fun that I forgot to count. Mom never complained.I was still beating her when Dad came in. He smiled at me and said, “It worked. I wasn’t sure that it would. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”I asked, “You don’t mind?”Dad smiled again and said, “Not at all. You can beat her all that you want, as long as I never have to do it again.” He got a beer out the. I could jump up and down with glee if it weren't for the handcuffs keeping me trapped to her chair. To my horror though, Mandy, one of my colleagues came in first to the main office."Oh shit, don't come in here!" I thought pleadfully as I watched her silhouette moving about through the frosted glass window pane on the door. She came real close to the door, I held my breath as there was no good way to explain the situation I'm in if she walks in. Phew, she turned and sat down at her desk."Please hurry, Alish!" I begged under my breath for my boss to turn up.A few more of my co-workers filled up the small main office floor, and soon the air filled with busy sounds of office work.I watched the clock on the wall, "10:30?! your usually here at 9!" I thought to myself on Alisha's lateness.Finally, at 10:48, she arrived. She marched strait into her office, and smiled a big grin as she saw me sat on her chair, half naked from the bottom down."Oh, when did you get here, fart-face?" She.
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